
China’s economy and global status

Prior to traveling to China, I wrote about China from cultural, economic and political perspectives. The GBL 200: China’s Economy Today course brought together students from several disciplines, and when writing assignments we integrated our own unique sources of knowledge. Though GBL 200 focused on economic themes, economics is made from analysis of several subjects, […]

Critical Thinker

The future of social media

Note: this post is not finished – Last edited Nov. 16 by Bethany Velarde As a senior, I’m balancing writing final papers for my courses this semester with the transition to post-graduation life and the uncertainties inherent in that like graduates before me. This semester I’m taking 22 credits while I try to graduate a […]


The power of a liberal arts education

This essay is my proudest achievement of first year. In my Leadership 101 course, I learned the power of communicators to leave a meaningful legacy. I was in the midst of considering my second semester, in the first phase of reflecting on an intense growth experience. I was considering my future college life, galvanized by […]


What can country’s cuisine teach you?

This post was written in my first year at Agnes Scott, as I prepared for a Global Journeys trip to Iceland. We were tasked to write about an aspect of Icelandic culture, and a dish in particular that we were curious about. Iceland is known for many foods, some of which I tried on the […]


Moving from the Netherlands to Georgia

In 2015, I moved to the Netherlands. I had decided to take a second junior year in high school so I would know the place I graduated from before heading to college, and after my senior year, I ended up taking a gap year too. That time was the best investment in myself and preparation […]


Globalization’s impact on international migration

In my first year at Agnes Scott College, I was looking for my major and taking any class I found interesting. For this course, I played to my past strengths in high school as an International Baccalaureate student studying American and European history and enrolled in History 207: The Global Middle East. I had never […]

Connector Critical Thinker

Schlussprojekt: Podcast ‘Ohne Titel’

Willkommen zu meinem letzten Projekt für Deutsch im Agnes Scott College! Ich habe ein Podcast gebildet über Mutter Courage und Frühlingserwachen. Ich habe Sekundärquellen verwendet und schreibt den Podcast mit meinem Wissen über den Text. Ich nahm auch von meiner Präsentation für die ‘Spring Annual Research Conference’ im März, 2021. Hören Sie sich am nächstes […]


Applying theory to the U.S.-China trade war

In the second semester of my second year, I was in my penultimate course for my International Relations major, POL 326: Approaches to International Relations. We had studied realism, liberalism, green theory, feminist theory and how research about IR is carried out. Our final project was a research paper applying a theory to a case […]

Problem solver

A crash course in public relations

My first try with branding was in elementary school. My best friend and I, armed with plastic pizza slices and mini skillets, decided to open an imaginary restaurant. Before the spoons and spatulas were stolen from the cabinet, we ran to take printer paper, using markers to draw up a brochure. It became ‘BB&D’s’, a […]

Problem solver

Learning my first coding language

During my second to last semester in college, I am taking my first programming course: Python. This is what I can do so far, among other things: It’s been a process to understand the syntax of coding, but in Introduction to Computer Programming, we have moved through design, testing, implementing, testing and analysis of programs. […]


Questioning the American education system

One of Agnes Scott’s signature curriculum components is SUMMIT,  preparing students to be a change agent in a global society. As first year students, leadership development consists of the Legacy experience, and enrolling in an LDR 101 course. Mine highlighted leadership through writing. This post is based on SUMMIT’s tenets and my course which honed […]

Critical Thinker

America in 2019

It has been seven years from the Benghazi attack. In episode seven, examine the state of American interest in the attack and foreign policy in Libya today. The state of Libya today is a fragile government administration currently under attack by “military strongman Khalifa Haftar,” and the United States is in the third year of […]

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